EpiPen Adult and EpiPen Jr are indicated in the emergency treatment of severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) to insect stings or bites, foods, drugs and other allergens as well as idiopathic or exercise induced anaphylaxis. Selection of the appropriate dosage strength is determined according to body weight.
Body Weight
Adult 0.3mg (0.3ml, 1:1000) over 25kg (3 stone 13lbs)
Junior 0.15mg (0.3ml, 1:2000) 7.5kg-25kg (1 stone 3lbs-3 stone 13lbs)
Adult EPIA300
Junior EPIPA150
From 1st October 2017 The Human Medicines Regulations now allow schools to keep spare Adrenaline Auto-Injectors (AAIs) for use in emergency. We require a requisition form by the School Doctor, Principle or Head Teacher when ordering (please click on the image below) and this can be returned via e-mail - sales@sellesmedical.co.uk or in the post - Selles Medical Ltd, 3-5 Popple Street, Hull, HU9 1LP. If the link below isn't working it's likely that a browser related issue has occurred.
Complete the form below or alternatively download this PDF , print and complete it and simply email or post it to us.
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